30 de gen. 2015


We made a grape float by adding sugar to the water.

We made an egg float by adding salt to the water.

We made modelling clay float by changing the shape (like a ship).

We also made predictions: Does a nut float?  Does a coin float? Why? Why not?

16 de gen. 2015

Taller "El món de la cèl·lula"

Avui divendres 16 de gener de 2015, els alumnes de 5è hem anat al CaixaForum Girona per participar al taller "El Món de la Cèl·lula".

Un cop allà, ens hem organitzat en diferents grups i hem pogut aprendre el funcionament del microscopi i analitzar diferents mostres de cèl·lules de diversos organismes.

Ha estat molt interessant i divertit.

12 de gen. 2015


We could see with a glass of water how a pencil looks like as it was broken and how a coin looks bigger than it should be.