We took a bottle of coke but this time we added pop rocks in the bottle. Do you know what happened with the balloon? You just need to look at the pictures!
24 de febr. 2015
18 de febr. 2015
Visita a la Biblioteca Carles Rahola
Els alumnes de 5è ja coneixen la nova Biblioteca Carles Rahola. Els de 5è A van realitzar-hi una visita guiada el dimarts 10 de febrer i, els de 5è B, el dimecres 18 de febrer. En aquestes visites l'alumnat ha vist quin és el funcionament intern de la Biblioteca, els espais de que disposa, els recursos que ofereix i, també, el servei de préstec.
Esperem que sigui un espai del qual cadascun d'ells li sàpiga treure un bon profit.
Esperem que sigui un espai del qual cadascun d'ells li sàpiga treure un bon profit.
16 de febr. 2015
It never snows in Girona and we decided to make something about it. If it doesn't snow, we have to make it happen!
9 de febr. 2015
We have to take care of our hands! Our children became inventors for one day and they tried a new recipe. We mixed glicerine, alcohol, lemon drops and colony to make the best cream for the hands.
With shaving cream, food colouring and water we pretended to make rain (in fact, it was red rain). Look at our experiment!
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